About BTVI

About BTVI

BTVI Graduation


Mission: To provide applied education that transforms lives and communities, and enables individuals to be globally competitive and economically independent.

Vision: Recognized for its vibrancy and innovative spirit, our Institute will be a first choice for learners, and a cornerstone in the Bahamian economy. .

The Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute was established by an Act of Parliament in April 2010 to come into operation on 1 July 2011. Prior to the enactment of BTVI, however, The Bahamas has always had a long-standing history of technical and vocational education and training. The nation’s first technical school, the National Technical School, opened 4th October 1949. Originally located in Oakes Field, over the years, the name of the school changed several times: National Technical Institute (1961-1965), National Technical College (1966-1968), National Technical College and Centre (1968-1971), C.R. Walker Technical College (1974-1980) and Industrial Training Centre (1980-1995). However, notwithstanding the change of name, technical and vocational education and training programmes became the foundation for technical careers in The Bahamas. Today, BTVI is the nation’s primary educational institution for technical and vocational education and training. In partnership with public and private sector stakeholders, BTVI provides training opportunities which enable individuals to become financially independent skilled professionals.

The 2010 Act, which provided for the incorporation of the Institute, confirmed BTVI’s status as a statutory body with a governance structure that includes a Board of Directors headed by a Chairman and Deputy Chairman appointed by the Governor General. The President, who is also appointed by the Governor General, is an ex-officio member of the Board and manages administrative operations and instructional programmes.  Further, as a result of the 2010 Act, BTVI was afforded greater autonomy over its financial and administrative affairs and was given the authority to grant awards. 

BTVI continues to provide first-rate technical education programmes, brightening career prospects and adding value to the labour force. The institution exposes students to the innovative, rapidly evolving field of technical education. From certificates to diplomas to associate of applied science degrees in New Providence and Grand Bahama, with a centre in Andros and instructional sites emerging on other islands throughout The Bahamas, BTVI provides a variety of offerings. Programmes range from Media Technology, Electrical Installation, Information Technology and Electronics Engineering to Fashion Design, Cosmetology, Human Resources and Auto Mechanics, among many others. The institution also offers world-wide recognized certifications, professional development courses and specialized training for organizations, all a part of its continuing education and life-long learning initiative.

Supported by a team of dedicated administrators and staff, trained by experienced instructors who teach relevant material which develop critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving skills in an environment where students are encouraged to discover their passion and pursue their dreams, BTVI continues to graduate some of the best and brightest to enter the labour force.